
What is Equipping?

equipI spent the better part of yesterday at a training the Blue Ridge District had through their Equipping Network. Part of my ridiculously long job title includes the word “equipping,” but it seems that many do not understand what that means and what my job really is. So I thought I would try to clear it up – in as few words as possible!

The idea of equipping comes from Ephesians 4:11-13, “11 He gave some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers. 12 His purpose was to equip God’s people for the work of serving and building up the body of Christ 13 until we all reach the unity of faith and knowledge of God’s Son. God’s goal is for us to become mature adults—to be fully grown, measured by the standard of the fullness of Christ.” (Common English Bible)

Equipping is the primary purpose of church leaders. We, as leaders, both staff and laity, are called to help the members of the body find and understand their spiritual gifts and calling.  The work of the church does not fall solely to the pastor and staff of the church, but is shared by the congregation as a whole through the use of their gifts, talents, experiences and time. My role here at BUMC is to help each member find their place to serve not only within the church itself but outside the church walls. That is equipping. As we grow in our discipleship and relationship to God we feel the calling to serve become greater and greater.

Are you growing? How are you being called to serve our church and our community? We ALL have a part.

We are excited about developing new teams within the church to meet the needs of the church and community. One of the first teams we are creating and building is the Welcoming Team. You may already be part of the Welcoming Team if you are an usher or greeter. On August 18th, we will have a brief and fun lunch and training for the ushers and greeters. We will be expanding this Team to include a Welcome Center host as well. Do you enjoy meeting new people? Do you have a hug and a smile to share? The commitment is one Sunday morning a month, a quarter  – you can decide! But we need smiling faces who would enjoy greeting ALL people who enter into our doors on Sunday mornings!

I hope to hear from you about joining the Welcome Team or any other ministry or service you feel called to be part of. It takes all of us.

God Bless ~ Merit